so in addition to our two adorably wonderfull kittens, we're also boarding my sister's old, fat tatter-eared cat named fred. what fred lacks in cuteness he makes up for in sociability, and I've actually grown pretty fond of him. my kittens are not anti-social, but they are more interested in me entertaining and doting on them, whereas fred just straight up adores me. he breaks out into purrs if i just look at him.
i've been employing every cat behavior modification tactic at my disposal to try to get at least one of the kittens to idolize me like fred does, and i've reached an impasse. sometimes they will get it into their little heads that i am thisclose to giving them a treat, and although it holds their attention, it's obviously not the love i am going for.
i guess my point is that i would be pretty psyched if a kitten mind control device were to come to market.
a quick google search revealed to me that, according to one media analyst, this interest puts me in high-powered canadian company.
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